Goblin Valley: A Utah Hidden Gem?

Spring in our house is always signalled by Mom getting a crazy inkling to spontaneously pack up the car and head a few hours south to warmer weather and our first camping trip for the year.  This year my husband beat me to the punch with a simple text last Wednesday saying, "We should go camping this weekend."  With an overwhelming push from all you great friends on Facebook, we did,indeed, pack our bags and head south to...

Goblin Valley
Utah State Park

I've written before about Goblin Valley and hope you'll take a second to go back and read why I think Goblin Valley is the closest thing we have to Mars on Earth.  During this weekend's trip, however, the name that kept coming to mind was "Utah's Hidden Gem".  Here's why:  Over and over again we mention this state park as one of our favorite places in the whole state to explore and only get blank-eyed stares back in return.  These are locals we're talking to, Utah natives, born and raised, and they've never heard of or been to this mythical-looking red rock playground.  

Utah State Parks
Utah State Parks
Utah State Parks

 Can I beg of you something?
(After you've read more about why I love Goblin Valley,)
Get out there and SEE it!
(Seriously, call me, I'll give you an over-enthusiastic tour!)

What's the area in your neck of the woods you wish everybody could see?

More Information:
A lot of what you need to know
 is on my previous post, so I won't repeat it here.
My advice for today would be,
Prepare for getting dirty-
it's going to happen! 

Even on an overcast day like we had this time, 
the dry air will drain the moisture right out of you.

1 comment:

  1. What a cool looking place! I've never seen anything like this in Kentucky! This is def going on my list of places to see when I make my road trip out west!!


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